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Singing "Colorful youth, dream stage" - our school won great achievements in the Dalian University Students Music Festival and campus Singer performance activities

In order to further enrich the campus cultural life and show the spirit of unity, innovation, forging ahead and vigorous development of young students of our school, on the afternoon of May 12, the school organized to participate in the Dalian University Student Music Festival and campus singer performance。

The school participated in the "Colorful Youth, Dream Stage" Dalian University Students Music Festival and campus singer performance activities

Zhao Yongxu, Yan Yida and Zhang Zhengxiang perform the song "Sea Taro Love"

Zhou Yiming, Li Shutong perform song "Love is Doubt"

Ban Shuhang, Liu Tianyu perform Song "Royal Law Song"

Our school won many honors in this activity。Liaoning Vocational College of Light Industry won the "Best Organization Unit" of Dalian University Students Music Festival and campus Singer Performance. Zhao Yongxu, Yan Yida, Zhang Zhengxiang, Zhou Yiming, Li Shutong, Ban Shuhang, Liu Tianyu, Yu Xiaolin, Han Yurong, Li Xiaoxu, Zhao Ziming, Li Hongying and other students were honored for their outstanding performance。

The leader presented awards to the winning groups and individuals

The school won the best organization unit of Dalian University Student Music Festival and campus Singer Performance

Students receive honorary certificates

The majority of young students of our school will continue to actively participate in a variety of cultural activities, show the youth style of Liao Xiaoqing students, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of campus culture。Li Zhiyi, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Xu Chuanyi, deputy secretary, Zeng Shiqi, and nearly 100 players and spectators participated in the competition。